“Dr. Vikash Mahatme – MEBEH runs by S.M.M charitable trust , non-profitable organization, MEBEH provides quality care without sacrificing humanity ,our aim is to provide care specially to the economically underprivileged patients and economically weaker section . we are also passionate to train our young generation and health care providers in compassion so that they can do what is beneficial for patients and their families.”
Dr. Vikash Mahatme

“Dr. Sunita Mahatme – MEBEH focuses on primary eye care services not only in urban areas but also to the rural villages and apart from the clinical services, we are also focusing on educational activities like OTA courses , fellowship ,foreign fellowship ,Government of India fellowship and Post Graduation courses.”
Dr. Sunita Mahatme

“Sh. Madhukar Kalmegh (Trustee) – Mahatme Eye Bank Eye Hospital do two things they look after patients and they teach young doctors too by maintaining our discipline ,moral , dignity, determination, positive attitude and perfectly synchronized team work.we have also achieve the NABH accreditation and today we have progressed to our present destination now we have MEBEH branches in Amravati ,Nagpur and Mumbai.”
Sh. Madhukar Kalmegh

“Sh. Anil Wairagade – Mahatme Eye Bank Eye Hospital priorities to patient safety and comfort and contribute in treating curable blindness as our slogan is “come out of darkness” and we are committed to that and it was conceived as a dream to make eye care AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE to all sectors of community that is urban and rural .”
Sh. Anil Wairagade

“Dr. Nikhilesh Wairagade (Medical Superintendent) – We never lose an opportunity to seeing anything beautiful by providing them new life of eyes ,we have examined about 6,63,526 patients and performed over 81,012 surgeries including around 7,791 pediatric surgeries major surgeries like Cataract, Glaucoma, Vitreo-retina, Keratoplasty (Corneal transplantation), and Oculoplasty, All types of ocular trauma cases are being performed by our medical mind ophthalmologist.”
Dr. Nikhilesh Wairagade
(Medical Superintendent)

“Mr. Sonu Kumar, Chief Executive Officer – Mahatme Eye Bank Eye Hospital are provided with highly qualified and well trained staff, well equipped laboratories, spacious libraries, playgrounds, Canteens and buses for transportation. The performance of the students in examinations are always excellent . It is profound desire and ardent Endeavour of our trustee to evolve an educational process involving modern technology and knowledge with preservation of our cultural heritage.”
Mr. Sonu Kumar
(Chief Executive Officer)